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Prepare Indian English Literature MEG07


MEG-07 Indian English Literature

Past Papers


Meg7 Exam pattern

Q1 RTC 4 to be done out of 7

Q.2 Untouchable or Kanthapura

Q3.Clear light of day or Non fictional prose

Q4.Short stories or short stories(sometimes from prose )

Q.5 Midnight children or Tara

Meg 7 Important Topics in each block.
Block 1-Non Fictional Prose

What are prose & it’s types

Simple prose does have the same literary merit as a poem a drama or a novel comment

Swami Vivekananda

  • Views on Buddhism Discuss

  • In what ways Swami Vivekananda see similarity between Hinduism and science ?

  • Aspect of Indian culture figure in the writing of Swami Vivekananda or Shri Aurobindo

Shri Aurobindo

  • How does aurobindo make case of indus civilization?

Ananda coomaraswamy

  • What according to anand coomaraswamy does the bronze image of the dancing Shiva Symbolize Discuss

  • What does the bronze image of dancing Shiva Symbolise


  • Importance of hind swaraj in today’s context

  • Hind swaraj as a post colonial text

  • Gandhi view on swaraj relevance in present day

  • Explain what Gandhi tries to convey through his text

  • Comment on Gandhi’s view on education and their relevance in the age of globalization


  • Delineate the features of Nehru s prose style as illustrated in the passage taken from Autobiography

  • Make an assessment of Nehru’s prose style on the basis of excerpt from his Autobiography.

  • Compare and contrast nehru and chaudhuri autobiography

  • Do you agree that self scrutiny and self criticism play a large part in Nehru’s an autobiography? Substantiate your answer with examples from the excerpt you have read in this course.

Nirad C Chaudhuri

  • Discuss Prose style in reference to the autobiography of an unknown man

  • Is nirad chaudhhrai a lover of thing in english .give reason for your answer.

  • Do you agree with the view there are two nirad c Chaudhuri, a historical witness and a pseudo-historian give reason

Vikram Seth

  • Essay on Vikram Seth prose style

  • Does Vikram Seth writing lack depth Discuss offering your views

  • Discuss Vikram Seth or amitav gosh as travel writers

Amitav gosh

  • Critically assess amitav gosh as a travel writer

  • Discuss amitav gosh as a writer of travelogues

Block 2

Untouchables by mulk raj anand

  • Themes

  • Narrative techniques

  • Bakha and his ambitions

  • Title significance and relevance

  • Untouchable as realistic novel

  • Plot construction in Untouchable

  • Gandhian philosophy

  • Various themes have been explored mirroring the social and political picture of colonial india in anand novel enunciated

  • Discuss in details the efforts made by Gandhi to bring together the fragmented society of india with reference to mulk raj anand Untouchable

  • Discuss as Social novel

  • Discuss social criticism

  • Caste addressed

  • How its a modern novel

Block 3

Kantapura by Raj Rao

  • Character of Moorthy

  • Role of moorthy

  • Narrative techniques

  • Gandhian novel

  • Mahatma Gandhi as hidden protagonist in novel Gandhian spirit

  • Role of narrator

  • Comment on nature of Gandhi’s influence on fiction

  • Art of characterisation

  • Raja Rao celebrates the passion of ordinary masses in his novel kantapura

  • In what manner do women Character contributes to progress of novel

  • How does raja Rao achieve fusion of theme form and narration in kantapura

  • Significance of the skeffington coffee estate in kantapura

Block 4

Clear light of day by Anita desai

  • Anita Desai contribution as a Indian fiction writer

  • Anita Desai as feminist writer

  • Clear light of day as feminist novel

  • Thematic concerns

  • Partition as themes

  • Role of music

  • Political element

  • Imagery used in novel

  • Art of characterisation

  • Role of baba

  • Compare n contrast tara and bim personality

  • Theme of alienation

Block 5

Midnight children By Salman rushdie

  • Narrative techniques

  • Biographical mode

  • Dominant theme

  • Structure of midnight children

  • Theme of identity in novel

  • Use of language in novel

  • critical note on use if english

  • Use of history in novel

  • Midnight children as an autobiography of Saleem Sinai

  • What is the role of the epic Structure In midnight children

  • Essay on history and individual in midnight children

  • Salman Rushdie as a trend settler for a new genre of fiction Discuss

  • Trend setter of sorts

Block 6

Short stories

  • What are the main elements of a short story ?illustrate with the help of any one of the short story in your course ?

Rk narayan

An Astrologers day

  • Attempt character sketch of the Astrologers does the story evoke sympathy or anger for him in you?

  • Write Structure and theme of rk narayan An Astrologers day

  • There are no good or bad characters in narangs work apply this statement to the short story an Astrologers day ?

Engine trouble

  • In what ways does rk narayan story engine trouble appeals to you ?Discuss?

Arun Joshi

The only American from our village

  • Discuss theme of the story the only American from our village

Manoj das

A trip into the jungle

Subhadra Sen Gupta

The fourth girl

  • Attempt Critical appreciation of the fourth girl

Raji narasimhan

A toast to herself

  • Critical appreciation of a toast to herself

Shashi deshpande


  • Discuss Shashi deshpande As a short story writer

  • As a short story writer with reference to Miracle

  • Comment on deshpande style of telling story in reference to Miracle

  • How are love faith &science intertwined in Miracle

Githa hariharan

Gajar halwa

  • Critical appreciation of gajar halwa

  • Narrative techniques

  • Do you agree that gajar halwa offers a scatting comment on our social inequality give reason

  • Gita hariharan deals with many social issues in a simple short story gajar halwa elaborate

Ruskin bond

No room for leopard

Copperfield in the jungle

  • Discuss bond as a short story writer in reference to his stories

  • Discuss bond as pioneer of children literature in India

  • Discuss the prose style of Ruskin bond with reference to no room for leopard

Block 7 Poetry Rtc

Imp.Poems (21/35)

Vv imp. Henry derozio

# the harp of India , # my country! In thy day of glory

Vv imp. Toru dutt

# Sita # The lotus # Our Casuarina tree

Shri Aurobindo

# A tree, # bride of fire # The Golden Light

Sarojini Naidu

# Indian dancer ,# the old women, # love and death

Nizzim Ezekiel

# Enterprise, # background casually

Kamla das

# Introduction

Ak Ramanujam

# Self portrait ,# a river ,looking for a cousin on swing

Jayant mahapatra

# Dawn at puri ,# hunger

Arun koltakar

# The bus

# chatanya

Block 8

Tara by mahesh dattani

  • Gender role

  • Tara as a play with social purpose

  • Thematic concern

  • Comment on different stage layers in Tara

  • Techniques used

  • Language used in the play

  • Use of English in Tara

  • Importance of family in Tara

  • Tara as a problem play



📻 Short stories

💾 Clear Light

🎬 Kanthapura

💡 Tara

📕 Midnight Children

🎧 Gajar Halwa


📚 Prose

📚 Handwrittens

🎧 Paper Analysis


(Important one only)

A. Henry Derozia

1. The Harp of India

2. Day of Glory Last


B. Toru Datt

1. Sita

2. The Lotus


C. Shri Aurobindo

1. The Golden Light


D. Nissim Ezekiel

1. Enterprise

2. Background Casually


E. Kamala Das

1. Grandmother House


F. A K Ramanujan

1. Self Portrait

2. Love Poem for a Wife-1



One Student Miss Deeksha Mehta gave us an Idea to prepare excel sheet for Past Papers with Keywords and Blocks to make it easy to do analysis. We have taken her idea and prepared a spreadsheet to show all past questions in one space.

Analysis from past Paper



Discuss Mulk Raj Anand's novel Untouchable as a Gandhian novel.


Discuss Mulk Raj Anand's novel Untouchable as a Gandhian novel.


Discuss the narrative technique of Mulk Raj Anand's novel


Does Mulk Raj Anand's Untouchable provide a viable solution to the eradication of untouchability? Discus


Discuss Mulk Raj Anand's Untouchable as a social novel.


Discuss the Mulk Raj Anand novel Untouchable as a modern novel,


Discuss the narrative technique used by Mulk Raj Anand in his novel Untouchable.


Discuss in details the efforts made by Gandhi to bring together the fragmented society of India with reference to Mulk Raj Anand Untouchable


Discuss the appropriateness of the title Untouchable.


Discuss the Mulk Raj Anand novel Untouchable as a novel of social criticism


Discuss the various wishes and of Bakha as narrated by Mulk Raj Anand in his novel Untouchable


  • Comment upon the importance of the character of Raja in Desai's Clear Light of Day.

  • Discuss the political dimensions in Anita Desai's novel Clear Light of Day.

  • Discuss the central theme in Anita Desai's novel Clear Light of Day.

  • Write an essay on the role & importance of Raja in Desai's novel Clear Light of Day.

  • Discuss the theme of alienation in Anita Desai's novel Clear Light of Day.

  • Discuss the political dimensions in Anita

  • Desai's novel Clear Light of Day.

  • Discuss Anita Desai's Clear Light of Day as a feminist novel.

  • Critically comment on Anita Desai's use of imagery in her novel Clear Light of Day.

  • Critically comment on the way in which Anita Desai weaves the political elements in Clear Light of Day.

  • Write a critical essay on Anita Desai's art of characterization in 'Clear Light of Day'.

  • How does Anita Desai combine the personal and the political in Clear Light of Day?

Gita Hariharan (short story/short story)

(short story/Anita Desai)

  • Discuss Githa Hariharan as a short story writer with reference to her stories in your syllabus.

  • Discuss the narrative technique used by Githa Hariharan in her story "Gajar Halwa".

  • Write a critical appreciation of Githa Hariharan's "Gajar Halwa".

  • Do you agree that "Gajar Halwa" offers a scathing comment on our social inequalities? Give reasons.


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