Ignou Books & Syllabus
Important Questions from each block
Compulsory question
American background related –(explain with example of novels )
1.Moral religion and philosophical aspects in 19th century American novel
2.Changes happened in American society during 19th century
3. Major Thematic concerns of post second war American novelist discuss with reference to 2 novel
4.Distinctive features of American Novels
5.*V.v imp.-Thematic concern of 19th century America
6.Trace the milestone in History of black American fiction
7.Aspects of black feminism
8.Influence of transcendentalism on any two American writers of yr choice
9.Critical essay on Naturalism in American fiction -social political factors responsible
10. American novel 19 th portrays the individual relationships with society discuss with reference of 2 novels
11.What do you mean by American Renaissance and its achievements
12.American literature in 19th century-show ideas of nationhood Compulsory question
13.Features of post second war American Novels
14.Background and qualities of Romantics in America
15 Characteristics of 19th century American Novels
discuss with reference to 2 Novels
Block1: Last of Mohicans
Significance of landscape
Romantic features /background of romantic features /critically comments of romantic quality of the novel
How does novel reflects Difficulty of overcoming radical divides
Relationship between history and fiction
Aspect of characterisation
Discuss moral vision with reference to novel
Significance of portrayal of natty bumpo/bumpo as a supremely idealized and Romanised human self
Critical approach to last of mohicans
Block 2 Sister carrie
Recurring Images or imagery used
Naturalism and realism in sister carrie
Critique of society
Sister carrie as finest Modern women
Sister carrie as a City novel
Novel of ideas
Block 3 The Great Gatsby
Concept of American dream in novel
Corruption of American dream
Theme of corruption &Influence of money
Critique of the American society
Representation of 1920 in great gatsby
Compare n contrast gatsby &Toms character
Discuss great gatsby as an autobiographical novel
Novel of social criticism
Block 4 Light in August
Narrative strategies
Note on plot structure/circular structure/critical analysis
Politics a major Thematic concern
Theme of alienation
Purpose of three parallel plots
Significance of tittle
Religion portrayed in novel
Character sketch of joe Christmas
Lena Grove story enfold the entire action Discuss
Block 5 Black spring
Significance of title
Is apocalypse the dominant theme of black spring
Ecstatic and transdentalism vision as portrayed in black spring
Black spring as a surrealist novel
Theme of black spring is universal death ?Do you agree
Plot and narrative techniques of black spring
Block 6 The catcher in the rye
Analyze character of holden
Analyze the plot
Irony in the novel
Discuss catcher in the rye as a coming of age novel
Portrays the image of rebel victims
Discuss holden vision of childhood &adulthood
Holden as a narrator
Language used in novel
Novel Portrays preparatory school system negatively Discuss
Discuss novel as tragedy
Block 7 Floating opera
Todd Andrew is a failed rationalist Discuss
John Barth philosophy of life as presented in novel
Post modern features in floating opera
As a nihilistic novel
Use of irony
As an extentialist novel
Floating opera as an episodic &reflective novel
Floating opera as an experimental novel
Comments on the metaphoric title of the floating opera
Block 8 A house made of dawn
Significance of imagery and symbol used
Reciprocal relationship between man & land
Flash back n temporal shift
Relationship between Francisco and Abel
House made of dawn as a bildungsroman
Thematic concern
Discuss Search for identity Central theme /crisis of identity
House made of dawn presents a native view of land
Significance of dream and vision in American culture with reference to House made of dawn
Cyclical structure
Trace origin of native American
Significance of title /is title appropriate
Block 9 The color purple
Discuss issue of race ,serial abuse and class prejudice
Women centric text /feminist text/womanist text /text deals with woman issues in affrica
Colour purple is a womanist text rather feminist text
Role of Sofia
The color purple Deconstruct traditional Gender role Discuss
Notion of mothering in color purple /Motherhood in novel
Significance of the epistolary form
Significance of tittle
Men characters in novel
2-hour Recording
of complete group discussion of all past paper answers from 4 most important novels(The Color Purple, Floating Opera, The Great Gatsby, Sister Carrie)
🔗 https://youtu.be/UfCSP-jm5Nc (Day1)
🔗 https://youtu.be/TYmXxybBnvA (Day2)
Handwritten Notes .
MEG 11 AMERICAN NOVEL NOTES 1. Characteristics of Early American Novels https://t.me/megmentors/2406
2. The last of Mohicans https://t.me/megmentors/2405
3. Traits of Romanticism https://t.me/megmentors/2403
4. Characteristics of 19th Century American Novels https://t.me/megmentors/2402
5. Themes in Sister Carrie https://t.me/megmentors/2402
6. Naturalism vs Realism https://t.me/megmentors/2400
7. Floating Opera Class Notes https://t.me/megmentors/2399
8. Great Gatsby Character chart https://t.me/megmentors/2398
9. Characteristics of Modern Novel https://t.me/megmentors/2397
10. Empathetic Characterisation in The Great Gatsby https://t.me/megmentors/2396
11. Theme of Pastorality https://t.me/megmentors/2394
12. British Romanticism vs American Romanticism https://t.me/megmentors/2392
13. Themes of 19th century American Novels https://t.me/megmentors/2391
14. Transcendentalism https://t.me/megmentors/2390
15. Black Fiction https://t.me/megmentors/2388
16. Themes https://t.me/megmentors/2422
17. The Color Purple class notes of Dr Anita (Cochin) https://t.me/megmentors/2420
18. Sister Carrie as novel of Ideas https://t.me/megmentors/2425
19. Changes in American context in 19th century https://t.me/englishignou/45688
20. The Great Gatsby Enotes https://t.me/megmentors/2433
21. Major Themes in Gatsby https://t.me/megmentors/2436
22. Theme of Criminal wealth in Great Gatsby https://t.me/megmentors/2434
23. Last minute revision
24. Section A (Important) https://t.me/megmentors/2491
25. Post World War Characteristics
26. Gatsby and American Dream
Reference Guide Books
Varun Guide
Journal Collection
Novels Original Text
1. Sister Carrie: Read
2. The Great Gatsby : Read
3. The Color Purple : Read
4. Light in August : Read
5. The Black Spring : Read
6. The Floating Opera : Read
7. The Catcher in the Rye : Read
MEG11 American Novels
a) The Last Mohicans https://t.me/megmentors/2220
b) The Great Gatsby https://t.me/megmovies/14 https://t.me/megmovies/10
c) Carrie https://t.me/megmovies/12
d) Color Purple https://t.me/megmovies/9
American Novels Study Group link..
For more information
Email: megmentors@gmail.com
